Seminar: Libraries and Citizen Science – What is the benefit?

Seminar: Libraries and Citizen Science – What is the benefit?

The online German-Dutch dialogue on the future of libraries continues! 

Please join us on Monday, June 14, 2021; 11:00 – 12:00 (CET)

Through Citizen Science, the fruitful connection between libraries and citizens got a new impetus and framework. In this session the speakers will introduce the topic with an overview of the concept of Citizen Science and its relation to Open Science and present examples from GLAM institutions to inspire the participant for their own activities.


  • Elisa Hermann, Information Procurement and Information Management, Museum of Natural History, Berlin
  • Irene Haslinger, Library Director at the Technical University Delft


  • Barbara Lison,Library Director at Bremen Public Library

The online seminar is free of charge and in English; registration is required. The seminar will not be recorded.  Presentations will be sent to the participants afterwards.

Registration is required:

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