Nieuw boek:

Nieuw boek:

Er is een nieuw boek uitgekomen in de ALA-store: Teaching About Fake News.

Een greep uit de hoofdstukken:

Senior Citizens, Digital Citizens: Improving Information Consumption in Older Adults by Nicole Thomas; It’s a Conspiracy! How, Why, and Where Conspiracy Theories Endure and Thrive by Sarah E. Morris; Evaluating Data Visualizations for Misinformation & Disinformation by Nicole Helregel; Bad Influence: Disinformation and Ethical Considerations of Influencer Marketing Campaigns on Social Media Platforms by Laureen P. Cantwell and Mia Wells; Battling Fake Science News: The Power of Framing by Ekaterina Bogomoletc and Nicholas Eng; Establishing the Fake News-Pseudoscience Connection in a Workshop for Graduate Students by Brian Quinn; Alternative Facts and Actual Profits: Teaching Fake News in a Business Context by Allison F. Gallaspy; Countering Fake News with Collaborative Learning: Engaging Writing Center Tutors in Information Literacy Instruction by Lori Jacobson


Misschien ook aardig: een MOOC over desinformatie en een video over de psychologie van misinformatie.

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